Hi, I’m Sarah Gilroy, I’m mum to a gorgeous daughter and I live in Scotland. I’ve always had a connection with the vibrational world, and an inherent understanding that another way is possible.


I run a client based business in Scotland in a face to face and online setting. I’m an Akashic Record Reader, a Medical Intuitive and I’ve been involved in Energy Medicine for over 17 years. 


I discovered energy work through a personal journey where conventional approaches were not working. Early in this process, I became aware of my acute intuitive and psychic abilities. I now work with these gifts to assist others in becoming more conscious of their programming.


Avanti Light grew out of an unanswered calling share more of my truth with the world. The services I provide here are specifically designed for those who are consciously developing themselves.


We are all works in progress in some way. The inner wisdom that develops with the magic of self-awakening brings unrivalled confidence, and peace in one’s own place in this world.