In an Intuitive Development session I hold a space for you to discover how you can function more deeply as an intuitive being. These sessions are focussed on clearing any blocks you may have to accessing and developing these abilities for yourself, as well as refining and expanding the skills that you are already aware of.


Our souls have evolved through lifetimes of using our intuitive capacities to a much greater extent, and many of us carry the histories of Atlantis and Lemuria within our being. Learning how to use our intuitive abilities is not so much an education as it is a process of remembering of how we used to be. Deep in our cellular memory we carry histories of times when we have functioned in an entirely different way.


The process of awakening to these abilities can be a delicate one. Our world and culture is largely based on logic and reason and we are not educated to go within and develop our intuitive capacity to such a great degree. This is why taking time to reconnect and tune into our personal abilities can give us a set of powerful tools for our present life that are already within us just waiting to be reawakened.


An Intuitive Development session holds a space for you to release programs that may be interfering with your process of remembering at this time. This helps you to gently release into your natural way of working with your intuitive abilities and focuses on strengthening your awareness of how to work with your heightened sense/s.


I work with each client as an individual and take care to pace the work at a rate the is right for you. If want to develop your clairs, connect with your guides, channel light language or learn how to work with your own clients in a more intuitive way I can support you in this process.

The energy work from these sessions can take some time to fully integrate.


Sessions are via Zoom video call and last 45 minutes.


Cost: £85


“I find Sarah’s energy healing sessions of great value to both my mind and body. The work she is doing translates positively to many aspects of my life. I was amazed during our first session and I never looked back. Our sessions are helping me become more confident, connected and happier within. I highly recommend her work”


Margaret W, UK


“Sarah’s work with me was full of compassion and understanding. She brought to light searing issues from my past which have walked with me all my life. Now I think I can work with them more consciously with a view to being free of them, and to move towards a lighter life. I can recommend her work to anybody interested in understanding themselves more fully, and in bringing in some real change to their lives.”