To be centred in our vulnerability is great strength. It’s also where we’re most protected as we are able to truly transform energy in this space.

With no resistance there is only peace, our energy field is clear and we are open to receive.

The energy field is healthiest when it is transforming energy. For that is must be continually receiving, releasing and exchanging energy with the environment. If there are blocks they can be felt as densities within energy field. They are simply what has been resisted or rejected.

In the moment of softening in a session, I see any densities being transformed by the clients chakra system before the energy gets sent down to the earth.

We transform our blocks, not an external source. Angels, Guides, Helpers and so on are simply projections of who we already are. As we take a deeper responsibility for our experience our energy field has everything it needs to transform any challenging experience. 

From working with the mechanics of the energy field for over 16 years, I have watched this process occur in the energy field many times. Protection does not come through more resistance which is why I never place myself in a ‘protective’ bubble to cut myself off from the world.

It is our softening that brings us strength. In that space our immune system is free to function. Our energy field expands outwards in the space around us, and radiates further the healthier we are.

So, if you’re feeling stuck –

What are you resisting?

What do you not want to face?

Take the answer and connect to the eternal softness within you – this is where we find our peace.


If you would like to explore this more in depth with me contact us to book a session.


A common misconception about the Akashic Records is that they only contain information about past lives. Past lives are of course a key aspect of the Akashic Records, but they also cover a much broader range of information.

The Akashic Records are actually a memory bank and they are where we inherit our PROGRAMMING – that is, our belief systems and emotional responses. This programming is expressed and transferred through our Genetics and DNA (ancestral heritage), our Timeline (past/ present/future lives) and the Collective Group Consciousness. The Akashic Records therefore hold information from all of these areas.

Imaginations are also Akashic Records as they are memories too – often of the future. When we work with magical beings, speak to crystals or work with frequency in any way, we are really working with aspects of the Akashic Records, which are also aspects of ourselves.

What we remember is what we are to work with, heal and integrate. This can be presented to us in physical or emotional feelings (which are also programmes), dreams, visions or the chatter that runs over in the mind. These programmes are mostly deeply subconscious, but they still drive the experiences that we manifest today.

We are entirely responsible for how much we let our memories affect us, but often we cannot halt their influence through our rational mind alone. It can even become a hinderance to transformation and release when we begin to push too hard with the mind in this way.

As an experienced Medical Intuitive, one of my fascinations is of how Akashic Memory is held within the body, how this affects the way our body functions and what we create for ourselves.

Our body is essentially a crystallization of our subconscious programming, therefore being able acknowledge how we feel inside our body is so important. By becoming conscious of how we physically feel, we can transform our psychological state and therefore our magnetism. It was never a problem when we were a child, but inherited programming can affect out ability to connect with the body in a respectful way. Therefore it can take some deconditioning in order to sensitize ourselves again in this way.

Tension in the body is essentially programming. It becomes a deeper problem when it becomes a habit and our sense of what is ‘normal’ becomes restricted. In this situation we hold ourselves back on may different levels as we forget what it feels like to be free of tension. This affects our immune system and therefore our entire functioning becomes impaired. The medical term for the study of this area is ‘psychoimmunology’, which acknowledges the inseparable mind-body connection.

The body is a mirror of our subconscious, which is also our inner child. The struggles of the inner child can manifest in the body as discomfort or disease. Transmuting conflicting memory held within the body frees the inner child and reconditions us to express more of who we truly are, without hindrance, in the present. This is an incredibly liberating experience, and one that doesn’t require analysis. Simply a willingness to receive moves us deeper into this space. With this experience the immune system is free to function more effectively as the body can fulfill its innate wisdom, drive and ability to heal itself.

Being open to receive does not require analysis or ‘work’, therefore sometimes we must unlearn old belief systems buried deep in the subconscious that may interfere with our ability to do this. To relearn and understand our inherent magic, and our ability to attract what we we need without struggle so that transformation can take place, requires us to let go and connect with an expereince that lies beyond words.

The memories held within the body can be ancestrally related for example, the Liver may carry the programmes of the mother, and the Spleen those of the father, and affects the way they interact with the rest of the system. At other times an organ may be processing the memory of injury from a past life trauma, which affects how it’s energy flow manifests for us today on a symbolic, emotional and physical level.

A common karmic experience I come accross is trauma to the throat. In this situation blocks may be experienced in personal expression. Speaking truth can also be an issue due to fear of persecution or healthy boundaries can be difficult to set in place. A karmic injury to spleen may manifest as worry, obsession, an inability to let things go. Stagnation in the general energy flow of life and body can also occur, leaving a sensation of feeling ‘stuck’.

In a session I see great weights being lifted from the body as it is liberated to function in a more coherent way. This is often experienced as a sense of deep relaxation, or even a heaviness, as the body grounds more fully into a state of release. Shifts often come as a physical sensation as awakening occurs. At this point the body and the subconscious realign in a very deep space, which frees us to create more of what supports our authenticity in the present without struggle. Cases vary widely, this just gives an idea of how old energy patterns can still subconsciously affect us today and what happens as the response to these memories are neutralized.

Acknowledging the value of the answers that come through our physical experience without question helps us to transform at a deeper level. We may not always intellectually understand what has happened in this process, but we feel different as a result. External events may just not trigger us in the same way and it can simply become easier to manifest the things that truly support us.

When I work with clients, I see aspects of their souls history imprinted in their energy field. I work with those imprints to bring them into the light so they can be transformed into a supportive energy source. A deep love lives beneath any internal conflict, and once we reach a point of neutrality, that underlying energy can be released and become a source of nourishment.

Our Akashic Records (physiological, psychological and soul memories), show us what we need to integrate in order to move into a new experience. The topic of focus, or belief system/s are only ever the tip of the iceberg as we are vaster than we will ever comprehend. They are however an appropriate ‘hook’, as they carry the appropriate resonance and frequency that the subconscious needs in order to free itself from many cycles.

When presented with the correct frequency, we can take a timeline jump into the next stage of our evolution. In this process we transcend and transmute many obstacles at lightning speed by allowing the light of consciousness to move into our experience. It has been my gift to be able to deliver this insight to others and I find that by working with the Akashic Records, a space is held for the transformation of the perception of, and response to, MEMORY. The result of this is that we become free to change what we create for ourselves in the present.

The Akashic Records are essentially the history held within our body at a cellular level – our memories and imaginations, all of which are tools to guide us into a more enhanced experience of wholeness – if we understand how to work with them.





There is a beautiful synchronicity in life – just as the body has an innate ability to heal, the universe conspires to bring itself into equilibrium. It does this through our frequencies and our experience of ‘karma’. Our magnetism attracts aspects of ourselves that we have forgotten so that we may become more conscious. As we integrate these aspects, we gain a deeper experience of what it is to be a unified whole.

‘Karma’ is not a bad thing – it is what creates our journey. Our entire creative drive is rooted in a desire to heal so we can become more fully integrated. If there was nothing to bring balance to, there would be no energy for us to manifest. ‘Karma’ is therefore the force that makes it possible for us to exist and to experience ourselves in new ways.

The paradox is that we are always striving to neutralize karma through the energy of our heart as we journey through our lives. By releasing judgement and placing ourselves between the equally important forces of dark and light, we gain a deeper independence within a larger collective, universal and galactic picture. As we learn to do this more effectively we are changing who we are as a species.

Our ‘Karma’ creates our desires and what we are drawn to. In doing so it shows us where we need to heal. We are attracted to the experiences that can help us move towards a deeper sense of wholeness and these are situations where energy must be brought into balance. Very often it is instinctively resolved through joy and play. It only becomes a challenge when we begin to resist the integration beacuse we do not understand why we have created our situation.

‘Karma’ is essentially an illusion, but it is one that we have created so that we can evolve and learn more about who we are. Without ‘karma’ we could not begin to understand or experience the different facets of our being. It helps us to balance our energy by integrating the aspects of ourselves that we have forgotten. These aspects will appear in our external world so that we can rediscover them within ourselves – we will be drawn magnetically towards them. This gives us an opportunity to reclaim our power so that we can reach a new understanding of self.

‘Karmic’ experiences occur all the time through the people we meet, the places we go, the professions we choose and the hobbies we take up. It is a force that is always leading us back to a deeper experience of a greater whole. It basically puts us in touch with the polarities within so that we can integrate ourselves at a deeper level. It is our nature to find balance between polarities – its part of our role as a species to bring opposing elements into balance within ourselves.

When we neutralize ‘karma’ we neutralize the memory of trauma by holding a space for those feelings to be felt and released without judgement. This frees us from old patterns, and then we may start on a new aspect of our journey. Transmuting ‘karma’ is a continual process in this dimension and reality, and as mentioned above, it is often done through joy. 

Consciously working with our own ‘karma’ benefits us and those around us. As we free ourselves, others are also released from old bonds as we dissolve transform our perceptions of ourselves in relationship. They can no longer follow the same behavioural patterns around us as we have changed ourselves from within.

It is my feeling that there is no being walking on this earth that is too enlightened to have ‘karma’ – the very fact that we exist and are driven to express ourselves means that we are here to heal and bring our polarities into balance. It is essentially our creative drive. We can get very good at neutralizing energy which can makes us appear to others as if we are free from ‘karma’, but we are still clearing, and usually at a much faster pace.

Our life is a journey within which we experience ourselves in ways through the mechanics of ‘karma’. In doing so we get to see the other side of situations that we have been part of before. This brings balance to our experience as well as a greater universal energy flow. As we take deeper responsibility for the experiences that we have created for ourselves, we become empowered to integrate and choose what might work better for us. Having a sense of the stories are that drive our habits and reactions can help us to break free in a more conscious way, and shift our energy so that we may take a step in a preferrable direction.



The Akashic Records became a more conscious area of exploration for me after a life transformation. Despite having worked with energy therapies for several years, I had no context to place the experience I was having. This lead me to question my experience at a much deeper level.

After a long period of self exploration I began to receive answers through the Akashic Records that brought an immediate rise in consciousness. The trauma I was experiencing was immediately transmuted and I was able to ground more completely into my experience.

I eventually I realised that I was ‘one’ with the Akashic Records and that they ‘ran’ within me all the time. I had been working with them for far longer than I thought. I also realised that I am literally a product of them and, most importantly, how I worked with them influenced how I evolved.

For me, the Akashic records have never been a place to visit and retrieve information, instead I experience them as everywhere around and within us. They are the memories of the ‘past’ and the ‘future’ all existing in the present. As I became more open to receive, stories would play out like movies in my mind in energy healing sessions. I found that acknowledging them brought a deeper level of clarity and grounding for my clients.


What are the Akashic Records?


The Akashic Records are the matrix – a universal collective web of memory that can either entangle or fuel us, depending on how we perceive ourselves within it.

Energy is a neutral force. Any energy that is fuelling an experience of trauma can be redirected into a supportive energy source. When we neutralise our response to any memories of trauma, they become points from which we can receive the most light. They hold potential for our deepest transformation as they show us how to become free.

Our memories are not limited to this lifetime, or this physical 3D reality – we are much vaster than we can intellectually understand. When we give ourselves permission to truly experience our vastness as a feeling in the body, we can evolve into a clearer expression of who we truly are.

Memory influences what we manifest for ourselves as it creates our experience of the world. Working with information in the Akashic Records can help us to bring balance to memories that may be driving us to create what we don’t prefer. When we do this in an open, non-judgemental way and through the expereince of the body, triggers become neutralised and our perception of our world changes.

We can let go of everything that is not aligned within by connecting with a frequency and experience of truth, which is always a point of neutrality. This liberates us to become conscious of ourselves in a new light.


Taking Your First Steps in the Akashic Records

We are constantly being reminded so that we can resolve and heal Akashic energy imbalances. Karma is not a bad thing – it is actually part of our life force – but that’s a discussion for another post.

Our thoughts are memories that are triggered in the present by interactions that we have with the external world.

If you feel like you’ve met a stranger before, you probably have. If you feel like you’ve visited a new place before, you probably have. There is nothing in the entire fabric of this universe that you have not already encountered, from the past or the future, as it all already lives within you. When you begin to explore how that energy dynamic works within you, you can begin to balance the energies from that experience.

Three of the biggest hurdles to connecting with the Akashic Records are probably letting go of the ideas that:

☐ Memory is only about the past.

☐ Memory only exists from this lifetime.

☐ We exist solely on a third dimensional plane.

Imaginations are also memories. If these imaginations are not of our deep past, they are often of the future. We can see this so clearly when the fantasies of popular fictions become real decades later.

A good place to start working with the Akashic Records is to ask yourself what you are reminded of. For example:

What feelings, images or responses does a place, object, person or space bring up for you?

Your internal response, and exploring your relationship to that, will give you all that you need.

The answers are not something that need to be grasped for – they already exist within us and they are part of our experience. When we are open to receive, the Akashic Records that are right for us to access will drop into our laps. Learning to watch our responses in the immediacy of the moment from a more objective, non-judgemental place is the first step to working with the Akashic Records.


Why work in the Akashic Records?

Our healing journey is not separate from the world around us – we are part of an interconnected ecosystem. The more conscious we become of how interdependent we are with every aspect of our world is, the deeper we heal any experience of separation.

Memory is also not a personal thing – we have chosen to experience ourselves from a particular set of perspectives in this lifetime, but these perspectives are aspects of a whole. They are part of a larger energy dynamic and unified consciousness.

Working with the Akashic Records helps us to acknowledge the energy patterns from ancient wounds so healing and transmutation can occur. As we take deeper responsibility for our own healing process, we help the world around us by choosing to become whole.

By neutralising our responses to situations at the deepest level, we integrate what we have projected onto our ‘external’ environment. This allows us to reclaim any energy that we may have lost in these projections. In our Akashic remembrance we can become more consciously whole and hold a space for the deepest aspects of ourselves to become integrated.

Working with our Akashic Records can also heighten our awareness of the gifts that we deliver to others. When we neutralize our subconscious responses we fall more deeply into our natural alignment. TIn this letting go, we can bring the wisdom of our many incarnations into our experience. From this space we can share our gifts simply through our presence, without even having to try.

Bringing the light of consciousness to what is buried deep within creates a space for personal transformation, frees us from old shackles and helps us to manifest anew. In our remembrance we can gain a heightened sense of clarity and deeper sense connection in this moment, by acknowledging the truth of our experience – get in touch to book a session if you would like to explore more about how this works for you.

I’ve also found that there is a deep Akashic undercurrent to all life events. This is relevant to the enjoyable ones, as well as the challenges. Karma drives what we create – it is the urge to express and exist as we are. I’ve written a separate blog post that shares my experience of this – ‘A Note on Karma’, which can be found here.

Ultimately, with difficult life experiences in particular, we are being asked to transmute pain that already exists within. Often these are repetitive cycles that are asking for consciousness and release. Its only ourselves that can hold us back here. When we clear our internal resistance by neutralizing our response to memory, life can flow freely and feed back to us in the most nourishing way.




A few years ago, I burnt out badly. In the process of picking myself up, I had a second severe burnt out, without having recovered from the first. I had to stop – I had no choice.

At the time, I knew how I was designed to function via the Human Design system. To have this insight was a complete blessing and a strong starting point. To actually live my authentic design was another story. From this point I had to take responsibility and do the inner work necessary to re-align.

In the end, this involved a lot of psychological deconditioning. I unlearned many subconscious programs that were driving me to behave in a way I was simply not meant to function. This was not through an analytical process, but through running energy audio activations on myself to shift and align my energy field, restorative Yoga and dietary modifications.

Eventually I noticed that when I really let myself stop the phone would ring, I emails would arrive and people would turn up at my door. When I was completely open to receive, it was as if energy was free to move and things would start rolling. Sleeping in the middle of the day the became a regular thing too, without giving myself a hard time about it, so my body could pick up. The quiet moments were like creating windows for light to get in.

Over time I began to trust in this process as I began to see more concrete results. I realized that I could do less and achieve more. I also learned that self-healing comes with trusting in a universal flow and listening to the signals of the body. There is nothing more powerful than our magnetism when we are in full alignment with ourselves. Making space to receive is an essential part of that process. This is when we draw in what’s truly nourishing for us.  

We are culturally conditioned to believe that if we don’t constantly act and plan to manifest our goals nothing will happen. But quite the opposite is true, *waiting* is our time to receive as this space is when we integrate and open to new incoming energy.

When we consciously barge forward in a certain direction, who is to say that the goals we have created are even in alignment with us? Our ego creates ideas driven by the subconscious mind that may, or may not serve us. We never know exactly what we are creating because our actions are 95% driven by what we can’t see, and it’s impossible define true inspiration from ego inspiration for this reason.

There are however ways to work with our subconscious to clear old programming so we can gear ourselves towards the former and hope for the best.

This is one approach I like to take: 

☐ If it flows, if it’s easy, if it feels exciting, if it feeds and nourishes you then it’s mostly likely for you.

☐ If not, stop, realign and *wait* to receive another path.  

Teaching others how to receive is really essence of my work, probably because it is has become my journey too. So often we set an intention, forge ahead in a blaze of action to manifest it and then forget to receive the results. Then we wonder why we can’t create things for ourselves. 

When we experience this, we are actually running on programs that tell us if we rest, we will never get anywhere, or manifest anything. This is just old conditioning telling us that we are not worthy to receive what we desire by simply being in our own presence. In other words, we are telling ourselves that we are not enough.

Our bodies are so much more intelligent that we ever give them credit for. Exhaustion, illness and anxiety are the first signs that we are dropping out of alignment. These experiences are so valuable because they are the body telling us when to stop. When we struggle to honour the bodies cries, we must clear: 

☐ Addictions to the habits we have created that don’t serve us.  

☐ The subconscious programming that drives us to create these habits. 

☐ The resistances we have to self-love, self-worth and creating healthy boundaries.  

Phew. This might sound like a lot, but it is actually the simplest thing in the world to love ourselves for who we truly are, if we can let it be so.

Self-love is created when we set healthy boundaries in terms of how much we allow external influences to control our experience. However, external influences are not always so easy to consciously disconnect from because many of them have been internalized and are buried deep within the subconscious mind. This means that we must learn to unplug from them and let go in another way.

Letting go is not a logical process, or one we can control as we are far deeper than we will ever know. We are continually replenishing systems and there must be space within our energy field for new energy to feed us, and for our manifestations to crystallize. In order to truly receive we must let go, and we let go by allowing ourselves to *wait* in peace, without judgement or expectation, so energy has room to shift.

If we let ourselves release through our experience in this way, and assume a humble position, healing will go much deeper. This is because by simply allowing ourselves to receive, we are releasing our expectations on what exactly healing should be for us. By acknowledging ourselves as the vast, limitless beings that we are, we create an opening for new, aligned possibilities to manifest, and when we are not trying to choose with our minds, we are open to receive what is authentic and nourishing for us in the present.

Feelings are programs too and they speak in ways the conscious mind can’t always understand. Sitting with them in a focussed space can clear millions of belief systems all at once. I’m not referring to meditation – this is a different form of focussed work that I am trained to facilitate when I work with others. In effect, this work actually helps to neutralize our responses to memories that are held in our cells from the Akashic Record Timelines and the DNA. It brings us more completely into the present moment so we can manifest more of the life we prefer.

Self-love is when we accept all possible aspects of ourselves in this present moment, and hold a space for those aspects to move and breathe through us.  Self-love is letting go. When we improve our relationship with ourselves in this way, we strengthen our magnetism and attract more of what is right for us.

To do this, we must accept full responsibility for our entire experience – the good and the bad, as well as a making a clear commitment to look and feel deep within. By learning to unconditionally hold a space for *all* that we are, from a position where are not entangled in our own drama, we can deeply decondition the subconscious mind and free ourselves to follow our flow in life without interruption.



Akashic sessions available: contact us