More Sea….

Living the dream – one day I’ll live by the sea with my cats and crystals. For now, the sea is such an amazing place to be.

A bit about my journey:

I started as an Aura Soma practitioner over 17 years ago – I love the magical coloured bottles and I still work with them for myself today. The issue I had with working with this system is that it relied on a product to deliver healing. I wanted to be free from relying on any tool other than myself. I knew it had to be more simple. And it was. And so my journey began

I studied and worked with many different systems such as astrology, tarot, dowsing, angels, crystals, many forms of energy healing, activations, and more. The experiences I accumulated became a massive reference library that is now stored in my subconscious and assists me in my work.

Usually I became conscious of being assisted by other beings such as Angels, or suddenly have access to more information such as the Akashic Records then I would find a class I could develop those skills in.

Light Language came in by itself fluently (written & spoken), after completing a study in the Galactic Akashic Records. Now I have worked with beings from many other dimensions in a much more conscious way to bring about healing and balance.

After working with clients for many years I began to notice that there were larger forces at work, and became interested in our Galactic history, how that operates within us as a species today.

What I have learned in this process is:

〉Intuition develops when we recognise, acknowledge and cultivate what we already have within. It can be developed and it exists to the level that we are able to perceive it within ourselves.

〉Systems are tools that can help us go within but they do not give us answers.

〉Help is always available when we are open to receive it.

〉Where there is pain, the ability to hold a space without response, judgement or condition can instigate the conditions for deep change.

〉All energy is neutral and the manner in which we perceive creates whether it serves or harms us.

〉The transformation of our perceptions is an alchemical process.

〉Ideas are transformative things. They can change the way we think, and therefore the way we channel energy.

〉An idea is all that’s needed in order to shift a perspective and that may come in the form of an experience.

〉A question is a reflection of pain, of separation. It shows a need to compartmentalise.

〉There is nothing external to us. ‘Out there’ is simply a white board for our own projections.

〉As we take responsibility for our projections we reclaim our own power and we are working through this most of the time.

〉When we feel lack we need to let go of something so that new energy can come in. We only get depleted by holding on.

〉The universe is an unlimited resource and it abhors a vacuum.

〉We create our experience of being in a body. It is our perception that creates our experience of living in a 3D world.




For personal Akashic Record Readings & Healing contact us here.