Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Energy Report 🌕🌙✨

This eclipse cycle and season comes to an end with the full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5th 2020.

It feels like a time to be extra gentle with ourselves as our planetary energy shifts into a new timeline. Take time to rest if needed, and be patient with any bursts of irritation or fatigue. Something that began back in July 2018 may also come to a resolve as this series of eclipses comes to completion.

This lunar eclipse is trine Uranus and opposite Mercury, which means that the unexpected may arise and communication could be challenging.

When I look at this full moon I see a lot of orange light being released. As the Sacral Chakra’s colour, orange has the capacity to integrate the etheric body with the physical so we can heal, ground and integrate our experiences through our body sensations.

The etheric body becomes dislodged from the physical when we try to escape feeling or sensation in times of trauma. When this is severe it can result in what we know as shock. Meditating on orange can help to integrate our etheric energy back into the physical so we can effectively process our experience and stay connected to the earth.

As it is relates to the Sacral Chakra, Orange also relates to the subconscious and karmic memory. It is deeply detoxifying and clears on many levels.

The release of orange light I see with this lunar eclipse is about letting go of memories held within an old timeline. For me, this full moon is about releasing the shock and trauma of an old timeline that has come to its fruition and one that we can no longer grow within.

As we move forward some chaos may ensue while we release into this beginning. The purpose of this experience is to teach us to find a deeper connection with our authenticity in the present so we can hold our ground more firmly within change.

Allowing ourselves to have pleasure through the physical is the answer to being grounded in this experience. Being in the body and staying in touch with bodily needs through movement and attention to energy levels will connect us with the earth and and help us to go with the flow as we enter new territory.








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Solar Eclipse Energy Report 🌑✨

We have a ring of fire in the sky on the 21st June with a New Moon & Solar Eclipse at 0° Cancer. This transition brings focus to our sense of self, our home and sense of security.

This gateway also highlights the end of a 26,000-year Mayan calendar cycle, which is a moment of major galactic alignment and a collective karmic timeline shift. A huge portal is opening right now for transformative downloads to be received. It is a powerful point which brings a definite ending as well as a beginning.

When I look at this new moon I see a pale yellow and green light, suggesting freshness, regeneration, and a clear heart energy. To me, it feels like a moment where we begin to see our way forward after an intense few months. Light is starting to shine through, plans are starting to be put in place and a little more clarity is emerging.

Old karmic patterns are being burned to dust and it’s time to take a fresh approach and actions towards goals now. There is also a sense of relief as the heaviness is behind us and there is an opening to see how we are going to shine forward. We may also may find it easier to breathe. What we see for ourselves may not be what we expect as our sense of self is being transformed, but our newfound goals will feel very right.

My guides tell me that the energy coming in is supporting us to transform old karmic patterns that have been creating particular perceptions of ourselves. This is a deeply cleansing energy that is lifting us of old timelines and bringing about a complete shedding of our karmic skin. When our consciousness evolves in this way, we are able to receive a whole new set of light codes and energetic information that is essential to the evolution of this planet at this time.

The new space that we are entering is more refined and delicately structured. As we settle into this space, focussed action to manifest our hearts truth will be easier and we will be able to make our choices in a more sensitive and discerning way. This is the beginning of the actualization of the new, reformed self after all the hard work of the last cycle. It’s time to embrace new beginnings.




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Full moon energy report ✨🌕✨

The Sagittarius Strawberry full moon on Friday 5th June is also a lunar eclipse with some tough astrological aspects. There are some intense energies flying around and as always, it’s how we respond to these energies that create our experience of this transition.

As with any lunar eclipse, some doors will close so that we are freed to move on to whatever is most appropriate for our growth at this time. It is also the end of a karmic cycle, and is freeing us up for the next stage.

When I look at this full moon I see a deep softening, a big (and favourable) release, an expansion, an integration and an outgrowth of old patterns. I feel that this moon in particular carries a lot of warmth. As we release with its energy, we will likely experience an increase in compassion and deeper connection with others on a global scale.

The energy it brings with it asks us to experience our vulnerability – it encourages us to soften and face what’s within. This may leave us feeling exposed in relationships, so our defences may easily be triggered. We may in fact feel quite inclined to go to war over a situation, or with another, as (amongst other influences) there is an intense aspect from Mars with this eclipse. Old boundaries and defences are being dissolved now so that we can no longer hide whatever we have been harbouring within.

As these emotions become visible for us on a collective scale, they are clearing. We are learning to honour our vulnerable selves on a whole new level as we burn off what’s no longer needed to keep us aligned on our path. Softening always comes with release no matter how challenging it may be.

On a galactic level this is a big turning point and, although perhaps intense, relief will come as a result. There is a lot of support available to us now in the form of new energy and downloads that are supporting us to deepen our sense of generosity towards others and expand an experience of more meaningful connection in relationship.

It’s time to leave what no longer suits behind and open to the doors to new energy and downloads that are available to us at this time.

The cards for this eclipse:

What’s being released? 4 of Pentacles: Old boundaries and protection mechanisms are now being dissolved so we can release what no longer serves us.

What’s coming in? 8 of Cups: The energy is being made available to us to walk away from old situations or relationships that we can no longer grow within.

How are we going to experience this process? 4 of Cups clarified by Death: There is a sense that we can no longer be complacent, and a feeling that we are being made aware of whatever we have been resisting so that we can release any apathetic tendencies with the completion of this cycle.



Sarah x


Personal Readings Available – contact to book.

It’s a Gemini new moon coming up on Friday 22nd of May.

When I did a channelled energy reading for its collective influence, I saw delicate blue and green lights dancing towards me. I heard that these are a calming, soothing support for us in our current collective condition – they are helping us to find a level of peace in group consciousness after recent events.

These lights then transformed into a deep blue oval energy field, with an inwardly reflective nature, suggesting that the energy of this new moon is about grounding in peace by enhancing our connection to our spiritual flow in an internally reflective way. I felt that this image also expressed an element of Neptune, the sea god & planet, as it is supporting us as a collective to connect with our depths, while helping us to maintain a level of objectivity with whatever we find.

It’s almost as if we are being given a chance to experience our new reformed blueprint, after recent collective events. Now may not be quite the right time to act on this blueprint, as we need to experience it first, but the energy coming in is supporting us to be patient and detached with this process.

This new moon is in Gemini – there will be an emphasis on communication but it won’t be ‘fickle’, like Gemini’s ruler mercury, it will be a slower, more solid and grounded energy exchange, and it won’t leave us feeling overwhelmed. There must be some grounding aspect to this moon to make this happen – I checked and it does have a complementary aspect to Saturn which would support this energy.

I don’t think really need cards for this but I do love pictures…. (one day I’ll make my own!) ….. so I then drew some cards from the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot…

What new beginning is coming in with this new moon?


So, (referencing the above 😂), this is an energy that helps us to keep calm in the storm. It supports us in being deeply aware of our emotions and reflect on our responses without allowing them to control us. There’s a lot of energy around but the King of Cups supports us to effectively manage how we respond to it.

From this space we are able to patiently wait for divine timing to express ourselves. Here we can let go into the flow of events without being overwhelmed or pressured to act in the immediacy of the moment.

We can ask ourselves what we feel we need to do next to get ourselves organised after the recent collective upheaval of events and wait patiently for the right moment to put our plans into action.

How will we, as a collective, experience the new beginning of this new moon?


Things may feel like they are moving slowly, but when results come they will feel solid and sustainable. It’s still feels like a time to plan ahead and take a careful and considered approach before making any investments or moves right now. There is no need to rush, we can take our time to plan ahead to secure some solid foundations for the future.

Both these Kings are of receptive elements (water & earth), suggesting quite a passive, peaceful but steady energy in coming in with this new moon.


Sarah x

Personal Readings available – contact to book.

I came across this delicate yellow rosebush on my daily walk yesterday with a very “high” dimensional frequency.

I found that its fine tuned vibration can enhance our connection with the more subtle realms (the Devic realm for example). It encourages us to be playful with any information received from these realms and in doing so it supports this knowledge to “fall” into the unique structure that it needs to express itself. It also helps us to release any anxieties around having to control/ create any predefined structure to present it (what we already know would only limit it anyway). This means that it has space to crystallise into a pattern that is complex enough to mirror its original form.

This whole process makes high frequency information accessible to others in this physical dimension, and it opens the door to new, original enlightenments that contribute to the rising and expansion of consciousness.

The Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Sanat Kumara, as well as The Heirophant archetype all, on some level, oversee initiations in the form of advancements in consciousness and facilitate the grounding of spiritual wisdom into refined, clarified structures so that it can be accessible to others. I see aspects of all their energies being expressed through this plant as it helps us to format finely tuned information into something that can be exchanged as knowledge in this physical dimension. This means that some of the complexities of this information can be understood on a wider level.

I would associate some of the higher dimensional chakras with this plant, and the higher dimensional aspects of the Solar Plexus Chakra in the sense that it brings clarity to highly refined information. It improves communication with the more subtle realms so we can access information from these spaces, and it helps us to structure the intricacies of this information in this physical reality so that it can be imparted to others.

As far as I know this is a wild hybrid rose – possibly a yellow Rugosa Spinisissima. I laughed when I saw the name because it’s intricate, fine tuned and structured – just like the energy of the plant.


I hope your all doing well 💖💐✨


Sarah xx


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