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Blog - Avanti Light

A soul who has incarnated from other dimensions in order to assist the earth in its evolution, is commonly known as a starseed. However, from my perspective, we all carry the entire history of our galactic heritage in our DNA, therefore as human beings we are all Starseeds – so you are a Starseed if you choose to see yourself that way.

Starseed origins are a bit of an illusion. We have all had a journey of separation from the whole, and that is in one sense our history. This means the information from *all* races are embedded in our DNA and can be activated at any point. It is only the ego that wants to define and label so that it feels secure. Ultimately we have the power over what we are expressing if we take responsibility for our experience.

I say I am a ‘Lyran Starseed’ because I express the programs most associated with the Lyran civilisation *at this time*. This has been fairly fundamental to my experience so far, but there are many other races I identify with and express. There are usually key star races that we resonate in a lifetime, but this can change as we bring balance to our internal dynamics and move into new experiences. We were never created to stay the same.

As human beings, we were the only species that could hold the memory of all that has gone before. This means that we are the only species that have the potential to heal the conflict of the past as we carry it all within. As we develop a more conscious of our connection to a wider universe, we heal from an experience of separation, and generate a more respectful connection within ourselves and with our supporting environment.

We can heal the galactic karma of the past, but from the inside out. That is to say, to do this purely for ourselves through our *inspired experience*, rather than to ‘save the world’ or ‘for the benefit of others’, our healing journey has great impact.

The psychological programmes associated with each star race are important to recognise as we express them in different areas of our experience. With this consciousness, and a willingness to move more deeply into our experience, we can bring balance to the polarities within and effortlessly redirect our energy in new ways.

Knowing what star races we resonate with in the present can raise our consciousness of how we are creating our life situation, and helps us resolve internal conflicts so we can create something new. Their energy is neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – it is purely how we perceive these ancient programmes that create our experience of them. The idea of there even being any polarity such as this is an illusion that is created by ourselves. Every race has had a period of evolution where they have seen both sides of the coin and they would not be complete without that. It is through accepting the whole that we begin to heal and evolve.

By discovering how these psychological programmes operate within our experience, we can experience ourselves at a deeper level and change our lives in a way that we prefer. This is how we transform our programming – by moving beyond the confines of the mind and what we intellectually know, into an open space where we can recieve the whole and it’s eternal possibility.

If you would like to explore how this operates in your psychology with me in more depth, contact us to schedule a session.



This is one of two stunningly beautiful crystals I received that knocked me sideways this morning.

I took it out the packet and nearly burst into tears 😂. It’s clearly got a job to do with me since I’ve been feeling very emotional since it arrived. It’s now sitting on my table but it feels like it’s still getting out the box!

When a new crystal is delivered there is a bit of a routine that happens in my home. There’s never any guarantee exactly what day they arrive but I always find that I seldom get much sleep the night before.

When they come I get them out of the box and my cat sits quietly beside me. Then we just sit together with the crystal for a bit. It’s not normal for my cat to be so still and calm for so long – especially in the morning. He picks up on the adjustments – he likes the energy. So they always get a bit of a welcoming committee.

My daughter gets me into trouble for buying anything other than crystals. We get ‘mummy, why are you not buying more crystals!’ when the postman brings anything different. So she should be pleased with to have this one around I hope – I certainly am!




For personal Akashic Record Readings & Healing contact us here.

Living the dream – one day I’ll live by the sea with my cats and crystals. For now, the sea is such an amazing place to be.

A bit about my journey:

I started as an Aura Soma practitioner over 17 years ago – I love the magical coloured bottles and I still work with them for myself today. The issue I had with working with this system is that it relied on a product to deliver healing. I wanted to be free from relying on any tool other than myself. I knew it had to be more simple. And it was. And so my journey began

I studied and worked with many different systems such as astrology, tarot, dowsing, angels, crystals, many forms of energy healing, activations, and more. The experiences I accumulated became a massive reference library that is now stored in my subconscious and assists me in my work.

Usually I became conscious of being assisted by other beings such as Angels, or suddenly have access to more information such as the Akashic Records then I would find a class I could develop those skills in.

Light Language came in by itself fluently (written & spoken), after completing a study in the Galactic Akashic Records. Now I have worked with beings from many other dimensions in a much more conscious way to bring about healing and balance.

After working with clients for many years I began to notice that there were larger forces at work, and became interested in our Galactic history, how that operates within us as a species today.

What I have learned in this process is:

〉Intuition develops when we recognise, acknowledge and cultivate what we already have within. It can be developed and it exists to the level that we are able to perceive it within ourselves.

〉Systems are tools that can help us go within but they do not give us answers.

〉Help is always available when we are open to receive it.

〉Where there is pain, the ability to hold a space without response, judgement or condition can instigate the conditions for deep change.

〉All energy is neutral and the manner in which we perceive creates whether it serves or harms us.

〉The transformation of our perceptions is an alchemical process.

〉Ideas are transformative things. They can change the way we think, and therefore the way we channel energy.

〉An idea is all that’s needed in order to shift a perspective and that may come in the form of an experience.

〉A question is a reflection of pain, of separation. It shows a need to compartmentalise.

〉There is nothing external to us. ‘Out there’ is simply a white board for our own projections.

〉As we take responsibility for our projections we reclaim our own power and we are working through this most of the time.

〉When we feel lack we need to let go of something so that new energy can come in. We only get depleted by holding on.

〉The universe is an unlimited resource and it abhors a vacuum.

〉We create our experience of being in a body. It is our perception that creates our experience of living in a 3D world.




For personal Akashic Record Readings & Healing contact us here.



I’ve been working with the flower of life recently and it’s been bringing up some thoughts on memory, connection and matrix.

My experience is that we are connected by memory, and memory is also matrix. Memory is not something in the past, it is something that lives ‘now’ in other timelines and dimensions. We also remember the future in many of our fictions and imaginations.

Memory shapes the DNA – it is the programming that creates us. It is only our perceptions of memory that can sometimes hold us back.

We are this matrix and there is no escape from matrix but we can transform ourselves within it. We can change our perception of ourselves and our vibration so that we engage with it in an empowering way.

This is not necessarily about ‘positive thinking’, it is more about being willing to transform – to being willing to die and be reborn. To be willing let go so that we can experience ourselves anew.

The experience of matrix can then switch from something that is confining, into something that is an essential fuel source, so we no longer experience ourselves as being caught or controlled ‘within’ it. Instead we move into an experience of being completely empowered by it as we recognise that we are actually are ‘it’.

I’ve found (and still find) this to be a fascinating journey of transformation that can only happen through experience. These answers are not given through the intellect, but through an openness to receive an experience through the body. To stop the questioning mind and simply feel what is present in every moment – this gives us the space to face, receive and transform what’s within.




For personal Akashic Record Readings & Healings contact us here.

I recognise the myths of the gods as memories of our galactic ancestors – the beings that came from the stars to genetically seed our earth. They stored their genetic information in the water of our planet so that it could be passed on to us. When we consume this water, their memory is stored within our DNA and it lives on through us.

A common misconception is that we must search in the external to discover what exists beyond ourselves, but really all the information of the universe is held within. We are all the answers that we search for.

A shift in consciousness into to learning how to receive and being willing to explore our internal psychological landscapes will bring us any information we seek. I have found that the information is always more immediate than would ever be expected.

Being close to a vast expanse of water is an amazing opportunity to reset and reconnect – to download new information and release what no longer serves. To receive, cleanse and restore. It can help us access that deep place within where we can unlock information that has been dormant in our DNA.

As a natural transmitter, water amplifies prayers, heightens sensitivity and the rhythm of the tides put us in touch with the undeniable pull of the sea. When we connect to the sea that flows within we can become more conscious of our own personal rhythm in life. With that comes an enhanced trust in the ‘in breath’ and the ‘out breath’ of the universe, like the ebb and flow of the tides.

I’m doing some long awaited recordings today – and inviting the ocean in with me.

🌊 💙🙏


For personal Akashic Record Readings & Healings contact us here.